Isn’t it nice when you feel that a company is bending over backward to be nice to you?
Obviously, it doesn’t happen very often but it’s worth noting the times when it does: My mobile phone tariff is with 02, my service provider was Singlepoint. I didn’t have issues with either of them. Recently Vodafone bought Singlepoint and I became a customer in limbo. I would try to resolve a query with 02 and they’d direct me to Vodafone. Vodafone would direct me to 02. I felt very much unloved and like an outcast.
So I gathered some bills together and checked what I’d be paying, checked Voda’s tariffs and took my service off O2 and got the equivalent package with Vodafone. Now I’m no longer sitting on the fence and they kissed my feet and offered me this and that and lots of other tempting and shiny things that they didn’t need to. One of those shiny things is my new handset – the Sony w800i. Now, I’m not exactly out of touch with technology but this thing is NEAT. I’m very happy to have a $400+ phone given to me for free. Now, I just need to dig up all my great old game MP3s and load them into the phone’s 512mb memory and GEEK OUT!
Same phone as me! You feel the connection? Mine wasn’t free though. 🙁
You daren’t out geek me though, I’ve got the Escape from Monkey Island mp3 as my ringtone.
My phone tone is ‘Superwoman’ MP3 as featured on the SSX Tricky soundtrack (wildly sexy sax riff opens the tune – ideal).
My phone memory is filled with the SSX Tricky, SSX 3, Parappa the Rappa soundtracks. I’ve also got 3 radio stations (Bounce, K-Dust and another) from the GTA SA soundtrack collection sitting on the memory stick.
Eat my pixels.