As far as functionality is concerned, you’ll be able to find posts created on the new site by a number of different searching methods such as date, category, month or by the search function at the top of the page. Try hovering over the bold dates in the calendar to get an idea of what I mean.
Please note that if you subscribed to koffdrop.com via RSS or R|mail then it’s unlikely that they will work any longer. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Why the change?
A number of reasons – mainly to do with site control and functionality. I’ll probably post about it in full later on. Congratulations on being the first commentator of the first post of the new site!
This shouldn’t be a problem for R|mail. I’ll update the database to point all your existing subscriptions to the new feed.
Holy moly! What a nice man 🙂
For the record my good man, the new layout displays just fine in Thunderbird.
I’d just like to say that Randy Charles Morin is a jolly awesome name! Almost as good as Thomas Wanker (in the credits for the ‘Buffy the…’ series) XD.