Further details

Based on some of the feedback I’ve read recently it seems that my actions still confuse some people. I don’t really feel that I need to explain myself to anyone but being misunderstood is annoying.

The Society was made with very clear intentions and goals in mind. I had some private goals that meant a lot to me. My other forum, KWoT, was set up as a result of being tired of internet forum politics. It was a forum with only one rule “Don’t make hassle for the sake of making hassle”. It was totally unfocused and no topic was taboo. Many entertaining and interesting discussions went on. I will always be proud of what KWoT was and, in it’s active 4-year life no admin intervention was ever required. No bannings, no arguments, no deletions, no hostility. It was all that I’d wanted it to be. My personal goals with The Society was to have a similar attitude of respect and enjoyment. I fully intended never to ban users or lock topics. So, the recent events that occurred at The Society and the subsequent methods of controlling them resulted in my goals failing and my attitude towards the site changing drastically. That’s why I have nothing more to do with the site or with how it is run. I still think it’s overall aims and standards are intact and that it serves it’s purpose. I will always be proud to have been involved in it’s birth.

The goings on at The Society are by no means the only factor that made me reconsider my attitude to gaming forums. My wife helps me to summarise it best. She said “It’s a shame you’re not doing what you enjoy so much”. Which would be true – but in an extremely short space of time I stopped enjoying it and started hating it and the type of personalities I was associating myself with.

My free time is limited and I’m not going to spend it doing something I don’t enjoy anymore. It’s as simple as that.

Receiving comments saying “You can’t go – you’re a part of the place” or “You need to come back – we want you!” is totally missing the point. What other people may want is of no interest to me any more. Certainly when my generosity has been taken advantage of! I’m not going to have a sulk and demand respect or give orders but the sooner people realise that acting rude and selfishly towards other people isn’t really going to endear them to you or make you interested in what they want the better. I’m very fortunate that there are people that I’ve encountered that like me enough to say nice things about me in my absence. It means a lot. However, it can only serve as a lesson to others to not abuse something and then miss it when it’s gone. If you kick your pet every day it’s going to run away. On a more selfish note, my actions are about me – other people stating that I should do this or that because they’d prefer it that way are really only showing me how much they’re missing the point.

What I do know is that this is only a temporary thing. I’ve seen communities come and go and high-profile members come and go. It seems a big deal at the time but it isn’t anything major. I certainly don’t plan on returning to any communities in the foreseeable future – but they’ll march on happily enough. They always do.

Talk with Google

Yes, Google have launched their own instant messaging client.

To be honest, if Google weren’t so good at taking the ideas of others, un-cluttering them, adding functionality and making them actually WORK I’d be getting pissed off by now.

I mean, who wasn’t stunned into silence when they learned of the 1 gigabyte limit they were offering with Gmail? The concept of their desktop search made perfect sense too. Google maps are great: good interface and simple to use. To be fair, since moving away from Internet Explorer and over to Firefox I’ve dropped using Google Toolbar and really only use Google as an internet search page.

They do have a fairly loyal following though and they’ve managed to capture the geek chic essence so beloved of the people that you find on sites like Neowin or Hard OCP or have their PC specs in their forum signature.

The program is still in beta and you need a gmail account to log in to it. Feel free to add koffdrop@gmail.com to your friends list – just don’t be an asshat if you do.

Google Talk (Beta)

Fucking hell

So, forum A dies, refugees from forum A descend on forum B. The A’s disregard all the rules of forum B and direct warnings from admins. They squat until a temporary version of their forum is created and they’re off.

That’s the tip of an iceberg that has frozen my desire to spend any more time in games communities among the ignorant and the unwashed. As such you won’t see anything from me on TGN and I’ve taken The Society offline and want nothing more to do with it.

If you’re a gamer then read this: Don’t be any more of a dick online than you honestly are in real life. Just don’t do it. You bring down other people, you’re not funny and you damage the reputation this culture has. It’s been taking a fair amount of battering recently and … oh for crying out loud, just grow up. Get some manners, some decency and some humility.

You simply cannot believe how pissed I am right now. And that’s pissed in a bad way, not a drunk way.

I still intend to update my blog (perhaps more frequently) and maybe focus more time on gaming rather than trying to educate those who want so much to remain ignorant.

To the handful of decent people out there in the games community – I respect you, please don’t let the chimpanzees take over the zoo.

For the Eggman

Nintendo’s overall attitude is like the Captain of the Titanic yelling “THIS SHIP IS UNSINKABLE! WHERE ARE YOU ALL GOING?” as water spills over the deck. I can’t respect that. Not when the iceberg’s been looming for 10 years and he’s refused to change course.

I never realised I was so easy to manipulate.

I have a great idea for a game

So, it’s been a double whammy of bad news for Nintendo zealots. First the taken-so-long-most-people-fogot-it-existed game GEIST is getting the kind of review scores that suggest it’s nothing earthshatteringly innovative or genre breaking. I would link to reviews but, if you’re reading this then you know how to find stuff on the ‘net.

The news of Geist being merely an 70% style game and not some Nintendo uber-game has been something that the usual zealots seem unable to accept. I’ve seen review sources criticised and labelled as ‘questionable’ simply because a fanboy’s bubble has been burst again.

And there’s nothing like hitting a fanboy when he’s down, in a statement that echos the news of Mario 128’s non-existence, Nintendo have told the world that their flagship Gamecube Zelda title will actually not appear before 2006 as originally promised.

I like the way that they attempt to soften the blow be telling us the time will be spent on “incredible” new gameplay elements for Zelda. Fanboys around the world are already chugging this statement down and coming back for more like some nympho crack whore on speed.

Even cuter is Nintendo’s reminder that other great games from the leading name in innovation and revolution will be available for consumer enjoyment by Xmas 2005. They then go off and list a number of franchise sequels, cross platform franchises and sports games featuring Mario.

Yes, I’m biased against Nintendo. But it doesn’t take a rocket-scientist to see this statement from Nintendo is a botched bad-news salvage operation. The fact that the best they can do to make the bad news sound like good news is to give a paper-thin promise of incredible new playability and rattle off a list of IP whoring titles just doesn’t cut it.

However, facts never got in the way of a devoted fanboy and, by gum, they sure aren’t going to get in the way now. Response has been positive with the fanboys being happy that the delay will assure that a great game will be made even better and quoting the a Nintendo endorsed mantra of “A delayed game will eventually be good, a rushed game will be bad forever”. Yeah, well I’ve got three words as a response to that:

Star Fox Adventures

So, like I said, I have a great idea for a game. I really do. I know that I need the creative talent at Running With Scissors to give it the edge it needs. All I can offer is the game’s working title right now. I think it’s a hum-dinger:

Fanboy Holocaust

Guess who!

Infact, we have got a bunch of sociopaths in Edinburgh-Scotland sitting around in kilts sipping their single malt whiskey, spreading racial and hurtful stereotypes.

Surely he’s being ironic. No?

Games, facts and politics

By now we’ve heard the name Jack Thompson plenty of times. His game-hunting antics are becoming more and more reminiscent of the actions of ambulance chasing lawyers. GTA SA, Sims 2, GTA Vice City and now Killer 7.

Jack’s going for the violence angle once again. Personally, I think Killer 7’s crime is it’s incredible shallowness of gameplay and technical inadequacies. Maybe Jack’s going to mention that, I’m sure we’ll see later.

Anyway, Jack Thompson and facts are like cats and water. You’re just never going to see them get along well and forcing it will probably result in a wild thrashing of claws, an annoying mewing hissing sound and the threat of legal action. Hang on, one of those doesn’t quite fit.

So I read with great relief and satisfaction an article in The Economist which uses facts, figures, pretty graphs and seems to hit many nails squarely on the head. I’m almost tempted to email Jack and send him a link to the article but I’m afraid of some violent retribution.

So, instead, I’ll share it with you:

Videogames: Chasing the dream
(The Economist)

w.bloggar 4.00

My internet access at work has been expanded slightly. I’m still poking around to see just what scope for time-wasting I truly have but one delightful advantage is that the blogging tool mentioned above is now something I can use.

Fantastic! This’ll make more varied and frequent posting a breeze. Expect a button to appear on my site shortly.


Most gamers are racist

Alright, calm down love. Hear me out on this one.

I visit a number of gaming websites to catch up on news and views on as many varied aspects of gaming as I can gather. There’s this one site I go to that delivers pretty good news but the views expressed by the contributors and commentators reek of such strong industry bias and feeling of superioty that I makes my blood boil.

Today, in a piece of news they proclaim as ‘non-news’ they cover a tabloid report on Electronic Arts’ proposed releases over the next fiscal year. It appears that, of the 26 titles, 25 of them are franchises or sequels and only one of them is an original.

My first reaction is “This is news?” but then, they already covered themselves by declaring that it’s non-news anyway. So it’s just fuel for the anti-EA brigade’s fire.

Hating EA is a popular passtime for gamers, it’s up there with hating Microsoft and Sony. Just below that level of hate rests that bastard of a publisher who promised GameX as an exclusive and then declared it would be out on other platforms as well. The fiends. But I digress, EA, Microsoft and Sony. What’s to hate? Well, I can see where people come from but I can’t escape noticing that the three popular targets are also the number one companies in their respective fields. Let’s face it, humans love to see the mighty fall.

Now, the critique of EA is based on ignorance, lack of understanding and incredible tunnel vision. To focus so heavily on EA’s activities whilst ignoring every other remotely succesful publisher in the industry borders on the obsessive. A popular statistic cites that of the top ten selling games of the last year, no less than nine of them were sequels or franchises. Only one (God of War) was original.

I know what you’re thinking. The other nine games must have all been EA games right? Well, EA are certainly the worlds largest and most succesful games publisher, but aren’t we forgetting GTA San Andreas (GTA5 by any other name), Halo 2 and Halflife 2? I believe we are. The quality of these games speak for themselves, I believe their success is deserved. But they too are all sequels.

Ah! But EA games aren’t even sequels! They’re just updates! And this is based upon what? Your involvment in their production and development or your instant bias when you see “o5” or “EA” somewhere on the front of a box. Tell you what, next time you write a game sequel – heck – next time you write a game, come back to me with that one. Now Championship Manager mid-season updates – THOSE are updates. Same game, new stats. The yearly stuff that EA do doesn’t just happen by itself. If you think that it does, then go and sit in the corner.

I’ve seen some awesome EA sequels. Burnout 3 anyone? But that’s not EA! Oh but it is. It’s funded by EA and developed by Criterion who are owned by EA. Yeah, but the sucky bits are EA. Which sucky bits? That DJ Stryker and the whole EA Trax thing. Oh, well, I hate to say this but you need to check your facts and read some of the comments on those very topics by Criterion themselves. But, but.. Oh be quiet.

I personally LOVE the SSX games. SSX was one of the earliest PS2 game and was a superb showcase for it’s potential after the lacklustre release of launch titles like Ridge Racer 5. It’s sequel expanded on the promise of the first one and when SSX 3 was announced I wondered just what they could add that wasn’t already in SSX Tricky. They added loads and made the game look even sweeter. A cookie-cutter sequel? Yeah, in precisely the same way Half Life 2 is a cookie cutter sequel.

But they steal licences from other developers!

Pardon? Did you say they STEAL them? How so? Wouldn’t somebody report them to the authorities if this was the case? I don’t believe that licence theft goes on in the industry. However, I do believe that where licences are concerned there are two parties – the licence holder and the company persuing the licence. Now, obtaining licences is a long, messy, legal affair and one that consists of two parties. So, if the licence shifts from being owned by Sega to EA then there’s a good reason for it. The key factor is the licence holder. It’s up to them who they want to sell their licence to. It’s up to the companies persuing the licence to make the most attractive offer. That, in an overly simplified way, is how it works. I guess EA make better offers than their competitors.

The fact of the matter is most gamers might as well be wearing white pointy hats with their unreasoned unsound and ignorant hate campaign against EA. To add insult to ignorance, they don’t chant “White power!” they chant “Nintendo power!” instead.

But that’s another story..


I went on a bit of a game demo download rampage this week.

This is a game coming from Quantric Dreams – the developers responisible for the respected Omikron: The Nomad Soul of a few years back.

The game pitches itself more as a psycholigical journey where the player makes decisions to affect the outcome of the protagonist in their environment. I’m not sure I really agree – I think I’ll settle with calling it a 3D adventure game.

It’s certainly got it where it counts. It looks fantastic and the production values are on par with something from the Metal Gear Solid. The direct-to-camera introduction from the game’s director only serves to reinforce it’s point of view. His pronunciation of the word “determine” alone justifies the 300mb download.

The opening of the game basically sets you up for a fall. I mean it REALLY sets you up for a fall. Watch the intro and see your game character go a slash some diner patron whilst suffering a trance. When you finally get control of him, you’re covered in blood, knife in hand and guilty as sin. Game on.

What’s particularly neat in this game is the use of a screen-split to show two scenes or camera angles at once. Think of the show “24” and you’ll know what I mean. It works to great effect too. Whilst you’re trying to clean up the blood-splattered bathroom in the diner the screen smoothly splits to show the cop at the diner eating, then getting up and pacing towards the bathroom. The added tension this brings to the gameplay is just fantastic.

The developers stress that all your actions affect what happens in the game. This means that dashing out of the bathroom will be different to cleaning your face and then dashing out. It certainly compels you re-play scenes over. Which is worth doing – the demo is quite short but totally leaves you wanting more.

I think this game could be very special on release.

Demo resources (300mb)

Dungeon Siege 2 (Single Player)
Hoo boy, That’s a big file!

I rather enjoyed the original Dungeon Siege. It was a pleasantly shallow, stat-light dungeon hack. DS did a great job of tackling many of those niggly issues you find with these games by using a very well thought out interface, a huge inventory system (the pack mule) and a really good loading system that meant the entire world remained cohesive.

With the above in mind I’d been keeping a casual eye on this and was looking forward to it. I have to admit to being a little disappointed. The engine appears identical to the original which has definitely lost that cutting edge feel to it. Additionally, some of the interface’s intuitiveness has been removed. I can’t seem to find a really simple way of telling different party members to use different magics/weapons. This was a one key-press affair in the original, not so here.

It appears that things have been expanded upon though. There’s skill trees for your melee, ranged and magic types. There’s also a clear effort at making stronger narrative and plot.

One thing I am really disappointed at is that the interface just doesn’t work well in higher (1000+) resolutions. It’s a tabbed interaface and ends up being WAY too small on my highest resolution of 1280×1024. After playing my first online RPG (Guild Wars) for only a week this feels like a huge step backwards.

I’m not really sure of this one. After playing the demo I’ll hold out until the reviews.

Demo resources (1.4 gigabyte)

F.E.A.R. (Single Player Demo)
Ah, first person shooters. The PC’s staple gaming diet.

First off, I’m not sure that F.E.A.R is meant as a cunning acronym for a S.W.A.T. style assault team or as the more obvious “ooh, scary” tones. Having played some of this demo I think it’s fair to say that it’s a fair amount of both.

Visually this game is fantastic. The texture and shadow detail are as good as anything in Doom 3 but it’s the peripheral effects that really make this stand out. The now obligatory ‘real’ physics are everwhere – that goes without saying. But the bullet sparks, flying debris and, in particular, the dust that billows around firefights REALLY make a difference. The dust in particular adds to the panic and tension of a good firefight.

Being the ‘wow! his stats are off the chart’ supern00b you are means that you have super keen reactions. These are conveyed by the use of user-activated bullet time. So far, so Max Payne. Monolith raise the bar by going ALL OUT for Matrix effects. When you’re playing in slow mo you can see that air trails your bullets leave as they head towards their targets. The audio slows down too. A really great effect that you’ll proably see way too much of by the game’s climax.

As for the scary parts – the lighting and shadowing do a great job. There’s some cunning stuff in there too. Before your first firefight you’ll have seen a mysterious girl running just ahead of you (did you see it? Was it your imagination?) and there’s more where that came from.

Monolith have often churned out really solid stuff in the FPS department. Some hits (Shogo MAD, N.O.L.F) some misses (Tron 2.0). This is destined to be a hit.

Demo resources (700mb)